Thursday, May 5, 2011


I think belts are underestimated in the D/s world. There is nothing like the sound a metal buckle makes as it is being undone. The sound the belt makes as it slides through the belt loops. On top of all that it can leave some really nice stripes.

The last few times we played Dom used his belt. The feeling of it was amazing.  I am not sure how much force it takes to get the marks to stay or for bruising to happen but mine are never there for more then an hour or so. During a really intense session I asked Dom to mark me, he asked me how I would like to be marked and I asked him to bite me. He bit my left tit as hard as he could and I had a welt for a day or so but no bruising. It is really frustrating for me. I want bruises damn it, but I am not sure if I can handle the pain it would take for me to be black and blue. If anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear them.


  1. I've just come across your blog today so this s without reading more than the top post you made.
    I don't know whether your Dom has a cane for punishment but that will hurt a lot however the marks will stay if he uses it even moderately hard. Say a half force swipe.
    If he doesn't have one, no problem, find a forest and choose a nice thin straight half inch wide stick. Perhaps He will take you to choose it :)

    It will need the bark stripping, any knots removing and smoothing , try fine sandpaper. Then it can be oiled or treated with something to protect the surface.
    I have a picture on My blog if you care to take a look. I call mine The Punisher. Enjoy

    N x

  2. Thanks Nick, That is a really good idea. I never thought about doing that. I am going to go check your "punisher" out right now. lol

  3. I get the most marks with a crop, they're kinda nasty, I have a very love/hate thing for crops. I get the worst bruises after being bitten on my tits, they last for over a week, but then again I seem to mark very easily.

  4. I love naughty gals like you. What I'd do is tie you up, spank you real hard, then lick up every little inch of you.
